Thursday, November 6, 2008

Let's Get This Party Started

I was having a conversation with my Significant Other Earth Lover, and I was frustrated trying to defend going green without going broke. I thought it was interesting that people with less don't think much about going green. In the trying times, most people have their own health and safety in mind, not the Earth's. I may have had an advantage growing up. My Mom works for the EPA, so we recycled, my science fair project was about global warming, Earth Day was a celebration at her job. I was very aware of the impact of our actions on the environment way before green was the new black. Now that we have babies, my eco curiosity is much stronger and now encompasses organics, green building and green cleaning. The way going green is marketed makes most people think that it takes greenbacks to go green. I know this isn't true. Follow this mocha mother on a journey to integrate eco-conscious choices (from fashion to food) into my family's daily life without going broke.

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